MED Hospital Medicine Faculty Development
Hospital medicine clinicians encompass a diverse background of clinicians including certified NPs, PAs and physicians. This course offers training to assist with onboarding and orienting hospital medicine clinicians to the variety of systems of care offered at MGH to assist …
EM CME Courses for External Learners
Emergency Medicine Updates is a long-standing MGH conference providing cutting edge lectures and hands-on didactics for community practitioners.
No Current Offerings
ANES Faculty Development
With modules on a variety of topics, Anesthesia physicians have the opportunity to review and practice various clinical procedures frequently encountered, become for familiar with new or less-frequently deployed equipment, and improve skills.
EM Faculty Development -- CME
In many fields, the development and maintenance of expertise is grounded on the concept of “deliberate practice.” These are typically active tasks that allow for immediate feedback, are structured by an expert teacher, and provide iterative opportunities for guided improvement. …
LL Faculty Development
This course is designed to support the development of a core group of Learning Laboratory instructors and debriefers. Led by expert simulation educators, the sessions of this course address a variety of topics to help Lab instructors develop and continuously …