MGH Division of Clinical Research

IRB: New Submission

Ended: Dec. 12, 2019

IRB Roundtable: New Submissions

Speakers: Sheldon Ratnofsky, Human Research Specialist

Learn how the Administrative Chairs (voting members of the IRB) review and consider ethical, scientific and regulatory aspects of human subjects research during full board review of new protocols. The Administrative Chairs will explain the commonly encountered Federal Regulations and how they can be addressed in your submission, as well as common deficiencies in protocol summaries.

This session is limited to 25 participants to facilitate interaction. Registration is required.
Please contact with any questions.

Clinical Research Investigator Beginner Clinical Research Coordinator Experienced Clinical Research Coordinator


MGH Division of Clinical Research


Dec. 12, 2019 12/12/19
12 PM – 1 PM
Garrod/Mendel, Floor 2, Simches Research Center

Other Offerings

Past Offerings
IRB: New Submission Sept. 6, 2018 09/6/18
IRB: New Submission Sept. 14, 2017 09/14/17